Silk Threads

It had been over two weeks since I’d last gotten any sex, and I was starting to fall apart.

I put on some porn, and grabbed my current favorite vibrator, a little blue number, small but powerful. On the screen, I watched a pretty blonde girl, pale and petite, get brutally railed up the ass by a heavily muscled black dude with dreadlocks and an almost impossibly big cock. She certainly seemed to enjoy the butt-fucking, the camera got some really nice closeups of her wet pussy and the oversized cock pounding her ass, and if she was faking her orgasm when he finally came, splashing pearly white jizz all over her back while she furiously scrubbed her clit, she was pretty fucking convincing about it.

I certainly came, my fingers stuffed up my own pussy and asshole, the vibe pressed hard against my clit, but it wasn’t very satisfying. It would allow me to get out of the house, get me through the morning, but it wouldn’t sustain me. It was like eating cotton candy when you are starving; the crash was coming, but this would stave it off for a little while. My orgasm rung like a broken bell.

Two weeks is about as long as I can go without feeling ill effects. I’m not sure what would happen if I went too much longer than that without sex. I think I might die. Daily is ideal, obviously, but for many reasons, that doesn’t often happen. Two or three times a week keeps me sated, but always hungry.

Hungry indeed. I did a quick, perfunctory wash, got dressed, and put on dark sunglasses to cover my bloodshot eyes, and headed out into the world. I would prowl down to the Kripplebush Inn, and see what I might have for lunch.

The pickings at the Kripplebush were slim indeed. The place was mostly empty, a bored-looking bartender watching YouTube vidoes behind the bar with a bored-looking waitress. On the flat screen TVs, oddly enough, a Scrabble tournament was underway. No patrons were at the bar, and only a couple tables were occupied, and they were both couples having lunch.

There is more than one kind of hunger. I ordered a burger,  extra-rare, and a pint of Guiness. I sat and ate, and waited.

Finally, finally, my mark showed up. He was part of a group of three guys, wearing suits, businessmen of some kind. They had lunch, drinks, animated conversation. Two of them paid and left. The third lingered over his beer, watching the Scrabble competition on TV. He was in his fifties, very tall and skinny with large, owlish glasses and thinning salt and pepper hair. I noted a gold wedding band on his left hand. I don’t have any super sense for this, but my guess was that his sex life at home was nonexistent, or close to.

I was famished, feeling faint and lightheaded. I had to walk carefully over to his table to make sure I didn’t fall down. I needed this very badly.

“Follow Scrabble?” I asked, plopping down right next to him in the booth.

“Um, sort of, I play the game. Casually, you know?” He was completely nonplussed by my presence. He was clearly not used to having strange women approach him in bars.

“Oh, I play too!” I cooed. Cooing is not my style at all, but it seemed appropriate, and frankly I was a little desperate. I let my hand fall into his lap and caress his inner thigh. He jumped like he’d gotten an electric shock.

“What are you doing?”, he asked, sounding slightly panicked. He did not, however, move my hand away.

“I’m playing a game,” I said, sliding my hand up his thigh and discovering his package. He was, I was not surprised to discover, already hard. “It’s a very nice game. I think you’ll like it.” I struggled with the zipper of his trousers as one of the players on TV scored a triple word score with a Q and two Ms in it.

Guys are so easy. Women tend to take more convincing, which is fine too, but not when I am starving.

“I’m married…” he said weakly, as he lifted up his butt and helped me shimmy down his pants.

His cock popped free from his boxer shorts. I wished I could see it. I love cocks, all of them, all shapes and sizes. That’s not to say I don’t have my preferences, but the truth is I’m not real picky. Each one is unique.

I stroked his stiff erection. It felt really nice in my hand. I wanted to eat it, but that just wasn’t practical, not here, not now. It felt fairly medium-sized, maybe a little on the small side. Uncircumcised. I slide his foreskin up and down over the glans.

“Touch my pussy Baby,” I whispered in his ear, “Feel how wet you’ve made me!” It wasn’t so much that I needed the stimulation, but I certainly was wet, and I knew that would make him even more excited, maybe even push him over the edge.

He reached hesitantly under the table, up my skirt. With my free hand I pulled my panties out of the way. His exploring finger plunged into my pussy without preamble. I was very wet, and it did feel pretty nice, though I generally prefer at least a little clit action first.

I was definitely not in the mood to quibble though. As he finger-fucked me, I increased the tempo, jerking him off as hard and as fast as I was able. His jaw was clenched, and he was making quiet little whimpering noises.

He exploded with a grunt. It felt like a whole mess of semen sprayed out, all over the underside of the table. I felt a flood of relief as my battery recharged, at least a little.

I feed off of sexual pleasure, nothing as crass as bodily fluids. I need to absorb other people’s sexual pleasure in order to live. The quick handy was an appetizer. It wouldn’t keep me going for long, but it would hold my hunger at bay for a few hours, maybe even the rest of the day.

He was slumped back in the booth, pants around his ankles. He was diaphoretic, ashen and sweaty. His eyes were open but unfocused. His breathing was ragged and shallow. He’d live.

I paid my tab, and sauntered out of the Kripple, feeling more alive than I’d felt in days. It was a beautiful day out, and I made my way over to the promenade. On my way over there, I ditched my panties into a corner trashcan, savoring the feeling of warm spring air on my naked pussy.

It was a beautiful spring day. I leaned on the rail, enjoying the sunshine and the fresh breeze off the bay. I watched the boats out in the harbor, the working boats and the pleasure craft, and further out near the horizon, a line of huge container ships. I was still hungry, but not desperate. It felt good to not be starving.

The longest I’d ever gone, since I hit puberty and my hunger had manifested, was three weeks. Someone had found me unresponsive and called 911. When I came to, I was in a hospital bed, a bag of IV fluids dripping into my arm. A worried-looking nurse told me that they were just waiting for a spot in the ICU before they transferred me. The world was black and white and grainy, like an old-time TV show coming in intermittently on rabbit ear antennae. I dozed on and off, observing disinterestedly as nurses and technicians came in and out of my room, occasionally taking vital signs or drawing blood.

Next time I opened my eyes, there was a young resident doctor at the head of my bed. He was south Indian, slender and handsome, and he was looking worriedly at his clipboard. He looked like he was about 19 years old. His crotch was right in front of my face, and he had a delightful bulge.

I moaned, and nuzzled up against his package. He gave a little yelp, and took a half-step back. But not too far back.  I felt a surge of energy, and reached out and grabbed the waistband of his scrub pants, pulling him back to me. He did not resist.

He was wearing black boxer-briefs, and I quickly extracted his erection from their confines. I would have liked to have seen the look on his face as I swallowed his dick, but I was enjoying the view of points south.

I’m sure the young resident knew full-well that it is unethical, if not actually illegal for a doctor to schtup his patient, especially one brought in comatose and in the process of being transferred to ICU. But he wasn’t thinking with the head on his shoulders at this point, he was thinking with the swollen and throbbing little head that was currently being energetically lavished with attention by yours truly.

I was alive, and I was horny! I pulled him into the bed on top of me. I pulled my hospital gown up, and his face landed right between my thighs. He knew what to do, and he did it quite well, licking up and down my pussy and suckling my clit as I gobbled his cock and played with his dangling balls and dark little asshole.

Holy cats, it felt good! The things he was doing to my clit were just amazing, and part of me wanted him to fuck my face and shoot off right down my throat. But another part of me wanted him inside my cunt. I grunted, and rolled him off me.

I climbed on top of him, discarding the gown and ripping the IV out of my arm with a spray of blood. Locking my eyes with his, I took his hard cock in one hand and sat down on it, guiding it inside me, savoring the sensation of his not-insubstantial girth and length filling up my famished cunt.

I rode him like a cowgirl, my tits bouncing with every thrust. His head was thrown back, eyes squeezed tight in pleasure, humping furiously back at me. I wondered how long it had been since he’d been laid. I suddenly realized, quite unexpectedly, that I was going to come.

I bore down on him, letting his cock fill my pussy completely, grinding my clit against his pubic bone. I bent over, kissing his lips, and our hands met and fingers clasped. We came simultaneously, and we came hard. The noise of his orgasms was muffled by my lips. I actually felt his semen squirting inside me, his cock pulsating and throbbing. I bit down hard on his lip to keep myself from screaming out loud as my own orgasm rocked through my body. It was delicious.

When I extracted his much-reduced cock from my extremely soaking wet pussy, he was unconscious, eyes rolled back so only they whites showed. His skin was ashen, his breathing shallow. I checked the side of his neck, he did have a pulse, so that was something.

I climbed out up out of the hospital bed, right over the side rails, and hurriedly recovered my street clothes. I made a hasty exit, slipping unnoticed through the busy unit and out to the elevators. I was already down in the lobby when I heard the rapid response being called over the intercom.

I wonder what ever became of that young doctor. I’d happily feed off him again, if I ever got the chance.

Back to the here and now. The day was sunny and gorgeous, the breeze off the bay was getting up under my skirt and cheekily playing with my pussy. I was feeling a mite peckish. I glanced around, and immediately noticed a pretty woman about my own age who was sitting on a park bench scrolling on her phone.

As if she felt my eyes on her, she glanced up, and we made eye contact. I felt a thrill run up and down my spine, and my pussy salivated. I gave her a ‘come-hither’ look, and lo! she got up from the bench and came right over.

She was all curves. She was wearing faded blue jeans with holes in the knees that accentuated her curvy bottom and thick thighs; she wore a men’s button down shirt that managed to both conceal and flaunt her large breasts. She was clearly not wearing a bra. I was in lust.

“Hi,” I said as she leaned on the railing next to me. I could feel her body heat. “Beautiful day, isn’t it?”

“It sure is,” she said, looking out over the bay. “But what I’d really like to be doing is licking your pussy.”

Bold. I had used that line before, and I had had success with it too. It certanly worked on me!

“The feeling, I can assure you, is mutual.”

She turned to face me. I slipped my arm around the small of her back and pulled her close to me, and kissed her full on the lips.

It was an electric shock. And not that nice, sexy kind you read about in romance novels. It was like tongue kissing an electric fence. The instant our lips met, I was literally repulsed. I staggered back.

We stood, looking at each other, speechless for a long moment. What the actual fuck?

“Are you a…?

“Yeah. You too?”

“Pity. I’m hungry as hell, and I really was looking forward to exploring that body of yours.”

I didn’t even want to touch her now. Which was really a shame, because she was just my type.

“Am I interrupting anything, ladies?”

Why yes, of course he was, but neither of us minded, not one little bit.

A good suit can make a man look very, very attractive. This was not a good suit. ‘Smarmy’ was my first impression, that impression did not change as the conversation progressed. He was on the short side, he was pasty, he was doughy, his hair was thinning, and he had on a cheap suit that made him look like he was going to try to sell us an used car. She looked at me, I looked at her, and we both nodded slightly.

“What are you two beautiful ladies up to this fine afternoon?” he asked, insinuating himself in between us. “Would either of you like to join me for a drink?” He looked slyly at us, and threw all caution straight to the wind: “Or maybe both of you?”

“Why don’t,” I said, “Why don’t we all got for a little walk together?”

“Yes, lets!” My new friend agreed. Our admirer did not object at all.

We strolled along the promenade together, holding hands, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Well, maybe it was.

I knew of an apartment building, a few blocks away, that had a very nice rooftop garden. The front door to the building was never locked during the day.

We rapidly ascended five flights of stairs, and emerged into our own personal Eden. Flowers of all sorts bloomed all over the rooftop, bursting forth in every color and description in tall rows and in tasteful clusters of large planters. It was presently, thank goodness, deserted, but that could change at any moment. All three of us were burning up with anticipation.

She started it, grabbing his tie and pulling him close to her, kissing him full on the lips. “I’ve wanted to do that ever since I first laid eyes on you!” They kissed, open-mouthed, for what seemed like a very long time. “Well, I did see him first!”

 My turn. I pulled him toward me, planting my lips on his. He did his level best to shove his tongue down my throat. Not necessarily a bad thing; it showed initiative. I reached around and squeezed his butt, pressing my crotch against his. His erection strained through his suit pants. It felt nice, and I rubbed back against him.

I had to smile. His wildest fantasy was becoming reality. She had unbuttoned her shirt, putting her boobs on full display. They were larger and perkier than mine, with big brown aureolae, and large, upward tilted nipples. I really wanted to molest and suckle on them, and it was grossly unfair that I couldn’t.

He could though. She sat on the parapet, and he stood between her meaty thighs, manhandling her big tits and sucking her prominent nipples.

I took the opportunity to disrobe.

Now that I was naked, it seemed like our cheap-suit wearing friend was seriously overdressed. I came up behind him and undid his faux-leather belt and unbuttoned his polyester-blend pants, slipping them off, along with his underpants. She was already removing his jacket and shirt. He didn’t look that much better naked than clothed, but it was something of an improvement. Especially the penis. I’m a bit of an aficionado.

I got down on my knees and started sucking his dick. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her shedding her jeans and panties. I was very turned-on, hungry and full of lust. She had a nice lush triangle of pubic hair, which matched the curly hair on her head.

We all knew, of course, that we could be walked in on at any time. I enjoy the sense of danger, and I think she did too. For our type, it kind of comes with the territory. I don’t know if he was getting a thrill as well, or if he was simply too horny to care.

We ended up in a pile on the terra-cotta tiles, in between rows of marigolds and geraniums. Discarded clothing served as padding and pillows. She spread her legs wide, and he dived right into her muff, licking and slurping noisily. I was still sucking his dick (it’s one of my favorite things to do, sexually, and frankly if I’m just feeding, I’m perfectly content to fellate and nothing else: it’s fun, and the guy on the receiving end radiates plenty of sexual pleasure for me to feed off).

At the moment, there was more than enough sexual pleasure for the two of us. It was like being at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

“I want some of that,” she said, and I gave her a turn sucking his cock while I fondled his balls and licked his asshole. From the sounds he was making, he seemed to like that. I inserted a wet finger, working it up past his tight sphincter, and finger fucked him in time with her bobbing mouth. He gurgled with pleasure.

I really wanted to lick her pussy, especially if he was banging me from behind while I did so, but even brushing up against her in passing was unpleasant. Pity. I had a very horny vision of him fucking me up the ass while I sucked on her clit and fingered her pussy and butthole. Clearly, I was going to have to find a way to explore more threesomes.

“Why don’t you lay down on your back?” she asked, “And we can take turns fucking you that way!”

That sounded like a pretty good plan to me, and he certainly wasn’t arguing! I went first, guiding his reasonably-large cock up into my pussy and savoring the pleasure of being filled up with cock. I rode him languidly, not wanting to make him come before she had had her turn. She held his hand, and masturbated while we fucked, soaking in the sexual pleasure.

We switched places, only I straddled his face. She had a really lovely body, and it was super hot watching his cock slide up into her cunt, watching her tits bounce and her tummy jiggle, and honestly he really was pretty good with his tongue, and suddenly I realized that I was going to fucking come!

“Do it!!” she hissed, bounding up and down on him like a girl on a trampoline. I ground my pussy against his mouth, and he stayed right with me, his tongue lavishing pleasure on my swollen clit. He was moaning out loud into my cunt, which made it even hotter, and the desperate way his hips arched and quivered, fucking up against her pussy with everything he had, well it totally set me off, and I came, throwing back my head and howling out loud into the cloudless blue spring sky.

Finally we were done, and detached from his motionless body. “Did you really come?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I said. “Did you?”

“Nah,” she said. “Guys don’t really do it for me. I really wanted to fuck you, and not just because I was starving. Pity. But I’ll tell you what, I haven’t been this well-fed in a really long time.”

Same for me. I felt like I’d just finished a six-course meal. I wouldn’t have to fuck for a week! Unless I wanted to, of course.

When we were both dressed, I checked up on him. He was still naked, lying flat on his back, a puddle of comingled juices matted in his pubes and coagulating on his belly. His eyes were open, unseeing. He did not appear to be breathing. I pressed two fingers against his neck, just under the jawbone. There was no pulse. He was a corpse. In the direct sun, he would start swelling up soon. If nobody came up to the rooftop, the seagulls would have at him.

We left him there, and descended to the street, where we strolled off in opposite directions.

“That was awesome,” she said before we parted ways. “We should hunt together again sometime. Maybe we could pick up a girl next time.”

“That would be great,” I agreed.

I took the long way back home to my apartment, admiring all the lovely, mouth-watering bodies, male and female, along the way. Life was pretty good.


1 Comment »

  1. Rex said

    I love it. I’ve been writing something similar on Literotica, but it’s been a few years since I made a new chapter. Well done.

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